Archive for the ‘Motorcycles’ Category

Buying the Right Motorcycle

Friday, November 14th, 2008

Over the years, I’ve owned a number of motorcycles. I guess I’ve been lucky that I’ve had some great bikes in my time. Great for me, that is. I have ridden a few that I knew wouldn’t last long. It didn’t take long in the saddle to know that the ride wasn’t ‘just right’.

I remember the first motorcycle that I bought. A friend took me out to his brother’s place to look at it. After a little chatting, they put me in the seat and described the controls. I moved the bike about 20 ft and called for them to take the bike. I had no idea what I was sitting on because I was scared as hell that I’d dump it or rocket off into a wall or something. It took me a couple weeks to finally figure out what it “felt like”.

Jay Leno’s Garage

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Today, I ran across Jay Leno’s Garage web site. Jay puts on a great online show that features a different car, motorcycle, or even aircraft. He gives a tour, and talks about the details of the featured vehicle. Then he’ll take it for a ride, drive, or flight to describe the way it runs. This is well worth a visit and spending some time on a few of his videos. I think I watched every one of the motorcycle video segments.

So, go to and check out my favorite. The S&S Mobile One Motorcycle. This machine is a mix of traditional v-twin, with modern technology in the engine and bike design. It really looks like a great ride!

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Jay Leno’s S&S bike

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

Unless you’re a custom bike builder, chances are when you look at a custom v-twin, you think Harley Davidson. That’s usually not the case, though. S&S Cycle are responsible for a majority of custom bike engines today.

This year, they are celebrating 50 years of engine building. As they celebrate, they have developed the latest in v-twin technology called the X-Wedge. Whether you’re a v-twin fan or just into performance, the S&S X-Wedge is worth checking out.

Motorcycle Awareness… really?

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

First, ok. I know its been a looonngg time since I’ve posted here… But I couldn’t ‘not’ comment on this ridiculous reporting style on motorcyclists that die at the hands of stupid cage drivers.

This recent article reporting the death of a GoldWing rider and a severely injured passenger is typical of the indifference of our press organizations. They report the police as saying the GoldWing “broadsided” the Mercedes turning left on Rte 1. Excuse me! That makes the Mercedes driver sound like an accident victim! Bull! How about the mercedes driver turned left IN FRONT OF the GoldWing motorcycle! Jees! people! Call it what it is! I wasn’t there and I’m 99% sure the GoldWing didn’t change his position in the road in order to T-bone that mercedes driver! And, I’m sure the Mercedes driver didn’t get broadsided because he was watching for the oncoming traffic before turning!

Riders – take care out there. Not only are we still targets of stupid people in cages, those reporting on what happens to us haven’t a clue why. And wear your safety gear. Increase your odds of staying healthy if you have a crash.

The Biking Blog Launches Again!

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

Welcome to the Biking Blog! This blog will eventually have all sorts of articles and information relating to the obsession, passion, and mania of motorcycling. Comments are welcome and invited on the blog – just please keep it clean and relevant. We will be forced to delete any posts outside the topic of the site or that contains content that shouldn’t be read by your 8 year old.

There is no allegience to any brand or style of motorcycle here. Though, we do have our own preferences and leanings! 😉 We are emphatically enthusiastic about motorycles and riding – of all kinds. As we hope to post on a regular basis, you will see this blog grow around a number of topics. Enjoy the reading, post your comments, and come back often.

Ride Safe! Ride warm! And, Ride a Lot!